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Vieux 30/05/2009, 21h16
Hatrix Hatrix est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: mai 2009
Messages: 45
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bon c'est un muscle, un massage régulier sur la base donnerait des résultat. les américans font le Pumping avec un truc...
Moi? déjà essayé? . NON, mais j'ai fait quelque recherche sur google. je suis bien satisfait du mien ^^
Boys mature at different rates; some start puberty early and others start late.
For a 14-year-old the average penis size is

* Around 2 to 4 inches flaccid (non erect) (5 - 10 cm).

* Before puberty, between 3 and 4 inches erect (6 - 10 cm).
* After your puberty growth spurt, maybe 4 - 5 inches (10 - 13 cm).
* It will keep growing through puberty and until you are 19 to 20-years-old.

Read more about "Puberty" and "Penis size" in the Related Questions below.


At 14 you are still growing. It is hard to give an average as it depends where you are up to in puberty. Also, remember that even though penis size differs by quite a few centimeters from man to man, once they are erect they are all about the same size!
donc c'est entre 13 et 15 cm en moyenne!

bon qui a dit que les filles aiment la LONGUEUR du sexe?
elle préfèrent plutôt la largeur.

It is also worth noting two points about women:

* some women really dislike the idea of a large penis, and may be frightened by one that is too long.

* some women are much more impressed by the thickness of a penis, rather than its length. This is because some females like the sense of feeling stretched round the entrance to the vagina – so if a guy is quite broad at the base of his penis, this can feel very exciting and satisfying to such women
PS: Viagra?
Je ne suis pas un PUA, Mais je le serai Un Jour!!

Dernière modification par Hatrix ; 30/05/2009 à 21h21