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Vieux 09/04/2021, 12h08
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Ohyeah Ohyeah est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: août 2016
Messages: 8 783
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J'y connais rien aux problématiques de LTR, raviver la flamme & co mais parmi tous les articles/livres que j'ai lu à ce sujet : le meilleur subreddit à ce sujet est celui ci, meilleur que n'importe quelle session de thérapie de couple ou de conseillers conjugaux, c'edt un subreddit d'hommes mariés qui donnent des conseils pour gérer son mariage, sa femme et sa famille au mieux :

Married Red Pill: Sexual strategy for men in marriage or long term relationships

Avec le guide pour bien débuter :
Steel'''s Guide to Married Red Pill : marriedredpill

A Guide for Beginners to MRP : marriedredpill

Voilà ta situation, t'es entre le scenario 1 et le scenario 2 :

Scenario 1: The Stale Marriage

Guys in Scenario 1 are not in dire straits. Instead, the marriage needs to be freshened up a bit. Typical concerns in this scenario are the frequency, and often the quality, of sex. The man and/or woman may have just plain lost attraction for each other, even if the relationship is still generally cordial. The man has not slipped into total Beta territory, but he probably has pedestalized the wife a little bit and is at a loss as to how to dial up the bedroom fun.

The best course of study for this scenario is to first read MMSL and then MAP. The point of study here will be to integrate RP knowledge into the approach with the wife. Understanding how women think and what gets them turned on is paramount. Reading, understanding, and applying the MMSL’s tips and tactics and putting together a MAP are going to be your primary activities.
Scenario 2: The Slippery Slope of Beta

Guys in this scenario were, to varying degrees, Alpha males at some point in their lives, but over time have slipped into Betadom. In fact, many such guys initially attracted their woman through their innate Alpha behaviors, but now have lost their way after 5 or 10 years of marriage. They engage in Beta supplication at every turn, walk on eggshells, and try ever harder to appease their wives and make sacrifices to gain her admiration. This scenario is similar to The Stale Marriage inasmuch as the sexual frequency and quality are definitely not good, but this scenario is overall more serious because the stink of beta is starting to eat into the fabric of the relationship. The woman may have not only lost attraction, but is also starting to lose respect for the man. Shit tests are escalating in both frequency and intensity for these men as women try to assess what’s left of them.

The best curriculum for this scenario is to start with WISNIFG, followed closely with NMMNG. Then turn directly to sections 3, 4, and 9 in MMSL. The objective here is to accept that self-sacrifice is not attractive to women, learn to express one’s wants and needs in a healthy manner, and stand up for one’s self. Then change the approach back to Alpha again. Then and only then, can you try to establish a better dynamic with the wife (Captain/First Officer being one model of this). In other words, a complete transformation of how one treats and prioritizes himself. After those lessons have been learned and applied, then progress to the rest of MMSL and NMMNG. Expect the transformation to take time, especially if Beta behaviors have been in operation for a while. A general rule of thumb you’ll often see here is a month for each year of Beta marriage.
Je pense que ya moyen de la récupérer mais faut suivre les conseils de ces mecs à la lettre.
Des mariages ont été sauvés, des divorces ont été évités, la fréquence des rapports sexuels a augmenté, le respect de la femme pour son partenaire a été retrouvé.

En gros
- le desir ne se negocie pas et ne s'achete pas, ce n'est pas en faisant la larve qui supplie son amour que tu vas raviver la flamme
- tu dois redevenir l'homme séduisant que tu as été dans le passé, celui qui la faisait grimper aux rideaux
- tu dois retrouver ton leadership et ton indépendance qui l'a rendu accro au début de votre relation
- là seulement t'auras une chance de la récupérer

Si elle te trompe t'es déjà dead.
Si elle ne trompe pas mais trouve que t'es devenu une larve ya moyen de retourner la situation en ta faveur, mais ya du boulot.

6 ans de relation, le mur qui tape à sa porte, elle ne va pas te larguer si facilement, elle a vu un potentiel mari/père de ses enfants en toi pendant un moment mais plus maintenant
Si elle ne veut plus de toi c'est parce que t'es devenu une sombre merde (dsl d'être direct).
When the sun goes down, the racks go up, the lights turn on and the freaks come out.

Dernière modification par Ohyeah ; 09/04/2021 à 12h28
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